Developer Guidelines for Astropysics ==================================== Astropysics welcomes contributions from anyone interested, from simple bugfixes to contributing new functionality. If you want to check out the most recent version to contribute (or just want the latest and greatest), you can pull the current development version from the `google code page `_. Getting the Code ---------------- You will need to have `mercurial `_ installed. Once you do, simply execute:: hg clone astropysics-dev This will create a directory with the name ``astropysics-dev`` containing the latest and greatest version of astropysics. If at any time you want to update this version, go into the directory and do:: hg pull hg update then re-install following the directions above. If you plan on editing the astropysics source code (please do so, and submit patches/new features!), a useful way to immediately see changes without having to re-install every time is to use the command:: python develop possibly prefixed with ``sudo`` depending on your OS. This will install links to the source code directory instead of copying over the source code, so any changes you make to a module can be seen just be doing ``reload(module)``. Cloning the Repository to Submit Code ------------------------------------- If you intend to regularly contribute changes or patches to astropysics, a more convinient way to submit changes is with a public clone of the main astropysics repository. Go to the `source tab `_ of the `google code project `_, and click on the ``create clone`` button. Fill in the necessary information, and clone *your* repository to your computer instead of the main astropysics repository. Make your changes, using ``hg commit -m "a message"`` to describe changes as you make them. You can then use ``hg push`` to send changes back to your repository on google code, and those can easily be merged with the main repository with a pull request. Coding Style Guidelines ----------------------- Naming Conventions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For general coding style, `PEP8 `_ provides the main coding style for astropysics, with an important exception: PEP8 calls for methods (i.e. functions that are in the scope of a class) to use the ``lower_case_with_underscores`` convention. Astropysics instead uses ``camelCase`` (e.g. first letter of each word upper case, first letter of the method lower case) for method names. Functions that are not methods (i.e. directly in a module scope) remain ``lowercase_with_underscores``. This allows methods and functions to be easily distinguished (but keeps method names distinct from class names, for which the first letter is always upper case). This could change in the future to be fully PEP8 compliant, but for now, given the already existing codebase, ``camelCase`` it is. To summarize, the naming conventions are: * Module names are always ``lowercase``. * Class names are always ``CamelCaseFirstLetterUppercase``. * Methods (including static methods and class methods) are always ``camelCaseFirstLetterLowercase``. * Functions are always ``lowercase_with_underscore``. * Variables and class attributes should be ``lowercase`` and kept to a single word if possible. * Private/internal functions, methods, or variables should be ``_leadingUnderscore`` with the appropriate convention for the type. Python and sphinx both know to hide these unless you specifically request them. Python also supports ``__doubleLeadingUnderscore`` for private class methods (the double-underscore is `mangled `_), but this generally just leads to confusion if you're not careful, so it should be avoided unless there's some very good reason. Documentation Standards ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Documentation should be provided with every object, using `sphinx `_ REStructuredText markup. Functions and methods should use `info field lists `_ To specify input parameters, return values, and exceptions (where relevant). Below is an example of the standard format:: def a_function(arg1,arg2=None,flag=False): """ A short description of the function. Multiple paragraphs if necessary, i.e. background is needed. :param arg1: This argument is important input data, although I'm not specifying exactly what it's type is (maybe it'd duck-typed?) Also, the description is more than one line, so it has to start underneath and indented. :param arg2: This argument is an optional input. :type arg2: You can specify a type here if you want. :param bool flag: You can also give the type in param if it fits. :except ValueError: If you raise an exception, specify here what type it is and why. :returns: A description of the return value, if there is one. **Examples** If an examples are needed, they should go here, ideally in doctest format so that they can be used as tests: >>> inpt = 'something for a_function' >>> a_function(inpt,flag=True) 'whatever a_function should output' """ Classes with public attributes can document using the sphinx construct for documenting class attributes:: class MyClass(object): #: Documentation for :attr:`value` attribute. value = None def __init__(self,value): self.value = value Testing Astropysics ------------------- There is a test suite that should be periodically run to ensure everything that has tests is still working correctly. It requires `nose `_. It can be run from the astropysics source directory (where setup.cfg lives) with the command:: nosetests Note that this is also set up to easily debug in the event that some of the tests fail. Simply do:: nosetest --failed And nose will only run those tests that failed the last time around. If you want to run a particular test, do:: nostest --with-id 3 Where the '3' can be replaced by whatever number test you want. When writing functionality in astropysics, it's a good idea to add tests. These should go in the 'tests' directory, and should have module names with the word 'test' in them, along with the function names themselves. This naming is necessary to allow nose to find all the tests. Alternatively, snippets of code as they would appear on the python interpreter (*with* output) can be placed directly in the docstrings, and they will be automatically included in the tests.